Centre Cívic La Teixonera

Carrer Arenys, 75
Horta - Guinardó


Latitude: 2.1446396
Longitude: 41.4225335


  • Center social, cultural or leisure
  • Installing solar thermal
  • Clothing collection container
  • Refugis climàtics

The Teixonera Civic Center is a meeting place for the neighborhood. The main focus is on encouraging participation; facilitating and working the development of actions of different groups, personal practice and community life. Services Casal Infantil Teixonera caters for children between the ages of 4 and 15, during non-school time or during school holidays, with the aim of: Promoting the children's right and their families to enjoy leisure with quality guarantees, both pedagogical and security. To offer the appropriate resources to the population to whom this service is directed so that they can carry out recreational and recreational activities, and favor solidarity and acceptance attitudes to the difference. Promote and develop social relations without any discrimination on the basis of sex, culture, ethnicity or religion. PIAD (Point of Information and Attention to Women). The point of information and attention to women is a local service that offers information, training and advice on all issues of interest to women and which provide access to different resources in the city of work type , associative, cultural and educational, among others. 93 420 00 08 piad_horta@bcn.cat TIME FOR YOU For families with children with disabilities. It is a service to promote the reconciliation of the working, family and personal life of caring families of disabled children. "Time for you" allows caring families to have personal time, while children participate with other children in quality leisure activities appropriate to their needs: Activities and games for children with disabilities and his brothers between 4 and 18 years. ENTITIES From the Civic Center Teixonera we support those activities that the organizations and associations of the district promote, both in a timely manner to carry out specific projects and on a continuous basis throughout the year. From the Civic Center Teixonera we have a line of work with the organizations and associations of the district, for the organization of acts of the festive calendar and popular celebrations creating commissions to program and coordinate several activities together.

Taxonera Traders Association Fiestas Association of the Taxonera-Mas Falcó-Penitents Peña Barcelonista Teixonera Association of Women Taxonera-Penitents Taxon Cavalcade Commission Andalusian La Taxonera Folklore Center Grallers of Sant Cebrià Hebron Valley Market Esplai Sant Cebrià Young Taxon Association La Taxonera Neighborhood Association Social dining room Sant Cebrià Association of Women More Falcon-Penitents San Cipriano Sports Association
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Centre Cívic La Teixonera

Carrer Arenys, 75
Horta - Guinardó / La Teixonera
08035 - Barcelona
 http://ccivics.bcn.cat/teixonera Facebook Twitter Instagram
The Teixonera Civic Center is a meeting place for the neighborhood. The main focus is on encouraging participation; facilitating and working the development of actions of different groups, personal practice and community life. Services Casal Infantil Teixonera caters for children between the ages of 4 and 15, during non-school time or during school holidays, with the aim of: Promoting the children's right and their families to enjoy leisure with quality guarantees, both pedagogical and security. To offer the appropriate resources to the population to whom this service is directed so that they can carry out recreational and recreational activities, and favor solidarity and acceptance attitudes to the difference. Promote and develop social relations without any discrimination on the basis of sex, culture, ethnicity or religion. PIAD (Point of Information and Attention to Women). The point of information and attention to women is a local service that offers information, training and advice on all issues of interest to women and which provide access to different resources in the city of work type , associative, cultural and educational, among others. 93 420 00 08 piad_horta@bcn.cat TIME FOR YOU For families with children with disabilities. It is a service to promote the reconciliation of the working, family and personal life of caring families of disabled children. "Time for you" allows caring families to have personal time, while children participate with other children in quality leisure activities appropriate to their needs: Activities and games for children with disabilities and his brothers between 4 and 18 years. ENTITIES From the Civic Center Teixonera we support those activities that the organizations and associations of the district promote, both in a timely manner to carry out specific projects and on a continuous basis throughout the year. From the Civic Center Teixonera we have a line of work with the organizations and associations of the district, for the organization of acts of the festive calendar and popular celebrations creating commissions to program and coordinate several activities together.

Taxonera Traders Association Fiestas Association of the Taxonera-Mas Falcó-Penitents Peña Barcelonista Teixonera Association of Women Taxonera-Penitents Taxon Cavalcade Commission Andalusian La Taxonera Folklore Center Grallers of Sant Cebrià Hebron Valley Market Esplai Sant Cebrià Young Taxon Association La Taxonera Neighborhood Association Social dining room Sant Cebrià Association of Women More Falcon-Penitents San Cipriano Sports Association
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