PIMEC Micro, petita i mitjana empresa de Catalunya

Viladomat, 174


Latitude: 2.1523886
Longitude: 41.3835452


  • Responsible company
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable

Trade is one of the pillars of the Catalan economy and Catalan commercial model, with a predominance of small businesses, family and proximity is also a heritage that must be preserved for all. Through dozens of unions and associations of shopkeepers and traders to counties and municipalities that form part PIMEComerç safeguards the competitiveness of local shops around the country and the interests in Catalonia, Spain and Europe.
PIMEComerç strength is the guarantee of the survival and adaptation of Catalan business model, which has been and is a source of wealth, social cohesion and urban and regional balance.
From PIMEC Trade defend and promote the Catalan business model, which is based on configuration and welcoming cities closer to the citizens, where the role of small local shops in urban providing essential services for people in addition to social contribution, bringing uniqueness, differentiation and attractive towns and cities in the country.

PIMEC Micro, petita i mitjana empresa de Catalunya

Viladomat, 174
Eixample / La Nova Esquerra de l'Eixample
08015 - Barcelona
 https://www.pimec.org/ca Facebook Twitter
Trade is one of the pillars of the Catalan economy and Catalan commercial model, with a predominance of small businesses, family and proximity is also a heritage that must be preserved for all. Through dozens of unions and associations of shopkeepers and traders to counties and municipalities that form part PIMEComerç safeguards the competitiveness of local shops around the country and the interests in Catalonia, Spain and Europe.
PIMEComerç strength is the guarantee of the survival and adaptation of Catalan business model, which has been and is a source of wealth, social cohesion and urban and regional balance.
From PIMEC Trade defend and promote the Catalan business model, which is based on configuration and welcoming cities closer to the citizens, where the role of small local shops in urban providing essential services for people in addition to social contribution, bringing uniqueness, differentiation and attractive towns and cities in the country.
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