Bugaderia solidària de la Fundació Roure

Carrer Blanqueria, 5
Ciutat Vella


Latitude: 2.1805271000001
Longitude: 41.3867133

  • Company goods or services for sustainability
  • Support and mutual aid

La Bugaderia Solidària of the Roure Foundation is a social service for washing, drying and ironing at low prices for people with economic difficulties and for social entities. It also works on the social and labor integration of people in a situation of fragility. Lets you create stable jobs and is a launderer training resource for trainees from social organizations and neighborhood schools, as well as for people who need to do work for the benefit of the community, as an alternative to jail . In addition, it offers services to private companies, from the hotel sector and university residences, who pay at a market price. In this way, companies work on Corporate Social Responsibility with us and create solidarity relationships between the business world and that of disadvantaged social realities.
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Bugaderia solidària de la Fundació Roure

Carrer Blanqueria, 5
Ciutat Vella / Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera
08003 - Barcelona

La Bugaderia Solidària of the Roure Foundation is a social service for washing, drying and ironing at low prices for people with economic difficulties and for social entities. It also works on the social and labor integration of people in a situation of fragility. Lets you create stable jobs and is a launderer training resource for trainees from social organizations and neighborhood schools, as well as for people who need to do work for the benefit of the community, as an alternative to jail . In addition, it offers services to private companies, from the hotel sector and university residences, who pay at a market price. In this way, companies work on Corporate Social Responsibility with us and create solidarity relationships between the business world and that of disadvantaged social realities.
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