Associacio Amics Bosc Turull

Passeig Turull, 2

Latitude: 2.1474721
Longitude: 41.4135454

  • Documentation and Information Centre for Sustainability
  • Environmental Organization
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable

To present between the neighborhood and the public space and classroom forest Turull as environmental space, educational, social and experimental side from a participatory, fun and educational. Promoting sustainability and resilience. Create conditions for the residents and citizens and he made his reference may be as a place for meeting, reflection and action on the study and knowledge, protection and improvement of this and other forests.

Get the Classroom Turull Forest is a place of reflection, ideal for learning to observe, respect, love and protect nature, values ​​essential to the future of the planet. Values ​​to be spread further to ensure its use and practice.

To publicize the tangible benefits that represent vegetation and living organisms present in the classroom and the forest in the neighborhood and everyday citizens, through activities that enable the study, knowledge and its dissemination.

Projecting activities Turull Forest Friends Association also taking into account the people who belong to groups at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, projecting and promoting visits, talks and activities tailored to these groups whenever possible, making it maximum publicity.

Disclose values ​​(landscape, ecological, socio-economic, historical, etc.) of this area and the forest. To present the origins, uses, and traces the evolution of the neighborhood space and over time.

Associacio Amics Bosc Turull

Passeig Turull, 2
Gràcia / Vallcarca i els Penitents
08023 - Barcelona
To present between the neighborhood and the public space and classroom forest Turull as environmental space, educational, social and experimental side from a participatory, fun and educational. Promoting sustainability and resilience. Create conditions for the residents and citizens and he made his reference may be as a place for meeting, reflection and action on the study and knowledge, protection and improvement of this and other forests.

Get the Classroom Turull Forest is a place of reflection, ideal for learning to observe, respect, love and protect nature, values ​​essential to the future of the planet. Values ​​to be spread further to ensure its use and practice.

To publicize the tangible benefits that represent vegetation and living organisms present in the classroom and the forest in the neighborhood and everyday citizens, through activities that enable the study, knowledge and its dissemination.

Projecting activities Turull Forest Friends Association also taking into account the people who belong to groups at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, projecting and promoting visits, talks and activities tailored to these groups whenever possible, making it maximum publicity.

Disclose values ​​(landscape, ecological, socio-economic, historical, etc.) of this area and the forest. To present the origins, uses, and traces the evolution of the neighborhood space and over time.
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