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av. Diagonal, 405 bis


Latitude: 2.1561137
Longitude: 41.3952689

  • Member of Barcelona more Sustainable. 2012-2024

AN Group is the leading restaurant groups in the country, with great presence in Barcelona and Madrid. The group works different retail formats: Restaurants (like the store, DAPS, and CITRUS SEA), the Urban Country PEU; Caps (as TAPA TAPA, snacks, and txapela QuQu), sausages and burgers (like OTTO SYLT and Maximilian) and new formats unique to the market, such MARKET PRINCESS and our latest addition, NBA CAFE Barcelona. In total, AN Group consists of 27 restaurants and two franchisees own and serves more than 5 million customers a year.

Since our inception, we have opted to work with quality products and services we offer. Our expansion model is based on innovation and geographical concepts. Our idea is conceived marks and spaces that convey the personality of our culinary concepts with a large load of identity, creativity and emotion.

The interior is a cornerstone for us in experience design. Our desire is to create unique environments beyond trends. For this reason, we work with great creative talents, who have helped shape the identity and the essence of each brand through architecture and interior design, so that our customers can enjoy a more global experience satisfactory.

AN Grup

av. Diagonal, 405 bis
Eixample / Dreta de l'Eixample
08008 - Barcelona
AN Group is the leading restaurant groups in the country, with great presence in Barcelona and Madrid. The group works different retail formats: Restaurants (like the store, DAPS, and CITRUS SEA), the Urban Country PEU; Caps (as TAPA TAPA, snacks, and txapela QuQu), sausages and burgers (like OTTO SYLT and Maximilian) and new formats unique to the market, such MARKET PRINCESS and our latest addition, NBA CAFE Barcelona. In total, AN Group consists of 27 restaurants and two franchisees own and serves more than 5 million customers a year.

Since our inception, we have opted to work with quality products and services we offer. Our expansion model is based on innovation and geographical concepts. Our idea is conceived marks and spaces that convey the personality of our culinary concepts with a large load of identity, creativity and emotion.

The interior is a cornerstone for us in experience design. Our desire is to create unique environments beyond trends. For this reason, we work with great creative talents, who have helped shape the identity and the essence of each brand through architecture and interior design, so that our customers can enjoy a more global experience satisfactory.
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