Un turó ple de sabors i olors intensos esperant-nos.

Pg Mare de Déu del Coll 77


Latitude: 2.1457822317383
Longitude: 41.419240073953

  • Trail, track or nature trail
  • Park or forest or garden asilvestrado
  • Park or public garden
  • Area of ​​natural interest

We are Mediterranean and this also means that the aromas and intense flavors of plants are part of our natural culture.

If you are curious you can spend time along the walk to find a long series of plants of all kinds - beans, shrubs or trees - that tell us who are just touching or tasting them. From ruda to lentiscle, many of the park's plants fill the aroma of their pleasant aromas or not.

We bring you a very special one. It looks like a very meaty clover, although it is not. Try without a leaf, a stem or one of its yellow or pink flowers. What taste is it?

We will give you a clue: one of its names in Catalan is Agrella (Oxalis pes-caprae) and in Spanish Vinagrera.

Its strongly fresh and acidic taste is due to the oxalic acid contained therein, which names its family of plants: oxalidates! A plant that we can eat without fear of damaging the environment since many others that we will see are invading plants that can move the local species so it can be a good ingredient to make a salad, a decoration for a dish or even a cocktail This is from South Africa.

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Un turó ple de sabors i olors intensos esperant-nos.

Pg Mare de Déu del Coll 77
Gràcia / El Coll
08023 - Barcelona

We are Mediterranean and this also means that the aromas and intense flavors of plants are part of our natural culture.

If you are curious you can spend time along the walk to find a long series of plants of all kinds - beans, shrubs or trees - that tell us who are just touching or tasting them. From ruda to lentiscle, many of the park's plants fill the aroma of their pleasant aromas or not.

We bring you a very special one. It looks like a very meaty clover, although it is not. Try without a leaf, a stem or one of its yellow or pink flowers. What taste is it?

We will give you a clue: one of its names in Catalan is Agrella (Oxalis pes-caprae) and in Spanish Vinagrera.

Its strongly fresh and acidic taste is due to the oxalic acid contained therein, which names its family of plants: oxalidates! A plant that we can eat without fear of damaging the environment since many others that we will see are invading plants that can move the local species so it can be a good ingredient to make a salad, a decoration for a dish or even a cocktail This is from South Africa.

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