Plaça Gal·la Placídia

Plaça Gal·la Placídia

Latitude: 2.1527684
Longitude: 41.3990182

  • Park or public garden

In the square there are several notable elements:
Mediterranean vegetation occupies a large part of the area, with oaks ( Quercus ilex ) and white pines ( Pinus halepensis ) with lentils ( Pistacia lentiscus ), there are also Mahonia aquifolium (= Berberis aquifolium ) and lanthanes ( Lantana camara ).

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Plaça Gal·la Placídia

Plaça Gal·la Placídia
Gràcia / Vila de Gràcia
08006 - Barcelona
In the square there are several notable elements:
Mediterranean vegetation occupies a large part of the area, with oaks ( Quercus ilex ) and white pines ( Pinus halepensis ) with lentils ( Pistacia lentiscus ), there are also Mahonia aquifolium (= Berberis aquifolium ) and lanthanes ( Lantana camara ).

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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.