Passeig de la Reina Elisenda de Montcada, 17 Sarrià - Sant Gervasi 08034 Barcelona
Latitude: 2.118534 Longitude: 41.3983455
Cultural site
Isidro Pascual Pons In 1920 he built his tower surrounded by private garden Passeig de la Reina Elisenda. The tower was part of a considerable volume set of neighboring towers that were owned by his family, of his brother Alexander (now Technical School Eulalia) and Can Torre Mora (now School of the Sacred Hearts), both the Moreover the ride. The technician received a commission project was the renowned architect Joaquín Lloret Homs, which remain in Sarria numerous important buildings from 1914 Lloret is also the author of the singular Clinic Barraquer street Muntaner and housing block Via Augusta, between Muntaner and Santaló streets, known by the nickname "Rancho Grande".
With the passage of time and how many other towers Sarria, Casa San Isidro changed its particular use of property and currently houses the Centre Creu Blanca Clinic.
Information from the publication "Itineraries: Sarria: Old" published by the district of Sarria-Sant Gervasi in 2007 by the author M. Palau-Ribes.
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Isidro Pascual Pons In 1920 he built his tower surrounded by private garden Passeig de la Reina Elisenda. The tower was part of a considerable volume set of neighboring towers that were owned by his family, of his brother Alexander (now Technical School Eulalia) and Can Torre Mora (now School of the Sacred Hearts), both the Moreover the ride. The technician received a commission project was the renowned architect Joaquín Lloret Homs, which remain in Sarria numerous important buildings from 1914 Lloret is also the author of the singular Clinic Barraquer street Muntaner and housing block Via Augusta, between Muntaner and Santaló streets, known by the nickname "Rancho Grande".
With the passage of time and how many other towers Sarria, Casa San Isidro changed its particular use of property and currently houses the Centre Creu Blanca Clinic.
Information from the publication "Itineraries: Sarria: Old" published by the district of Sarria-Sant Gervasi in 2007 by the author M. Palau-Ribes.
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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.