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Park(ing) Day 2020 > Building Urban Intelligent Living Design Solutions + Creative Food Cycles (IAAC)

Carrer Pujades 102
Sant Martí

Latitude: 2.1944287
Longitude: 41.3966593


  • Centre, exposició o expressió d'art urbà
  • Membre de Barcelona + Sostenible. 2012-2024
  • Institució o centre de recerca
  • Urbanisme sostenible
  • Espai que fomenta la biodiversitat

IAAC is participating in the #ParkingdayBCN20!

In this parking slot, we will be exhibiting several innovative nature-based solutions developed in our European projects Building Urban Intelligent Living Design Solutions (BUILDs, co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme) and Creative Food Cycles (co-funded by Creative Europe). Come and join us next Friday 18 September, from 3:30 to 8 PM, to contribute to the discussion on how to make our cities greener, more sustainable, and people-oriented!

Our stand will be located right in the street, occupying two public parking spots on the corner of C/ Pujades with C/ Álaba (near IAAC premises). 

Park(ing) Day 2020 > Building Urban Intelligent Living Design Solutions + Creative Food Cycles (IAAC)

Carrer Pujades 102
Sant Martí / El Poblenou
08005 - Barcelona Facebook Twitter
IAAC is participating in the #ParkingdayBCN20!

In this parking slot, we will be exhibiting several innovative nature-based solutions developed in our European projects Building Urban Intelligent Living Design Solutions (BUILDs, co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme) and Creative Food Cycles (co-funded by Creative Europe). Come and join us next Friday 18 September, from 3:30 to 8 PM, to contribute to the discussion on how to make our cities greener, more sustainable, and people-oriented!

Our stand will be located right in the street, occupying two public parking spots on the corner of C/ Pujades with C/ Álaba (near IAAC premises).