Fundació Faada

Rambla Prim, 155-157
Sant Martí

Latitude: 2.2049921
Longitude: 41.4215252


  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable
  • Responsible company
  • Social and solidarity economy enterprises

Foundation that promotes respect for animals in the social, legal and educational fields.
  • Social field: we provide information and technical and legal advice to the different social agents on animal protection. We run awareness projects that propose alternatives to business sectors that directly or indirectly cause suffering to animals.
  • Legal scope: we ensure compliance with current legislation and collaborate with the authorities and institutions to establish regulations that are more respectful of animals.
  • Pedagogical area: we promote training actions that promote empathy and respect for animals in early childhood, primary and university education.

Fundació Faada

Rambla Prim, 155-157
Sant Martí / La Verneda i la Pau
08020 - Barcelona Facebook Instagram
Foundation that promotes respect for animals in the social, legal and educational fields.
  • Social field: we provide information and technical and legal advice to the different social agents on animal protection. We run awareness projects that propose alternatives to business sectors that directly or indirectly cause suffering to animals.
  • Legal scope: we ensure compliance with current legislation and collaborate with the authorities and institutions to establish regulations that are more respectful of animals.
  • Pedagogical area: we promote training actions that promote empathy and respect for animals in early childhood, primary and university education.
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