Dipòsit d'aigües pluvials *Bori i Fontestà

Carrer Bori i Fontestà, 32
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi


Latitude: 2.1371498
Longitude: 41.3927584

  • Stormwater retention tank

Rainfall reservoir Bori i Fontestà, located below the street of the same name. This reservoir is part of the rainwater collection network designed to accumulate water to prevent flooding in the lower reaches of the city. This engineering work has a capacity of 93000 cubic meters equivalent to 27 Olympic pools.

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Dipòsit d'aigües pluvials *Bori i Fontestà

Carrer Bori i Fontestà, 32
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi / Sant Gervasi - Galvany
08017 - Barcelona
Rainfall reservoir Bori i Fontestà, located below the street of the same name. This reservoir is part of the rainwater collection network designed to accumulate water to prevent flooding in the lower reaches of the city. This engineering work has a capacity of 93000 cubic meters equivalent to 27 Olympic pools.

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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.