Cocculus laurifolius del Carrer Alfons XII

Carrer Alfons XII, 79
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi

Latitude: 2.1470606
Longitude: 41.4006506

  • Tree of interest

Cocculus laurifolius
Catalog: 0077-05-94
Height: 10 m
Barrel vault at 1.3 m.
Capacity (diameter): 12 m
Cataloging year: 1994
Estimated date of birth: 1904

Originally from Japan, China and the Himalayas, the corolla was common in gardens at the turn of the century. This copy is in the inner garden of the former residence of the poet Joan Maragall, where the Joan Maragall Archive is currently located.

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Cocculus laurifolius del Carrer Alfons XII

Carrer Alfons XII, 79
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi / Sant Gervasi - Galvany
08006 - Barcelona

Cocculus laurifolius
Catalog: 0077-05-94
Height: 10 m
Barrel vault at 1.3 m.
Capacity (diameter): 12 m
Cataloging year: 1994
Estimated date of birth: 1904

Originally from Japan, China and the Himalayas, the corolla was common in gardens at the turn of the century. This copy is in the inner garden of the former residence of the poet Joan Maragall, where the Joan Maragall Archive is currently located.

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