Comerços Verds de St. Pere, Sta. Caterina i la Ribera

  • Shop where you can buy bulk products
  • Shop with organic produce section or local
  • Shop sustainable non-food products
  • Shop local and organic food products
  • Local trade local products
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable
  • Shop fair trade
  • Group ecological consumption
  • Fair or market of organic products and / or local
  • Entity that promotes agroecology
  • Accessible to people with reduced mobility
  • Responsible company
  • Company goods or services for sustainability

The Foundation for Waste Prevention and Responsible Consumption promotes sustainable consumption through the Green Trade Network. This network coalesce businesses that enhance its offer organic products, local products and / or fair trade, reducing plastic bag and bulk sale and / or reusable products.
Along this route you can explore the neighborhood Greens Commerce St. Pere, Sta. Caterina and La Ribera, Ciutat Vella.

Points of interest on the route   x 21

Cosmètica Natural Elna

La Hamaca

Baobab Company

Casa Gispert

Casa Perris

Henna Morena

Jaime J. Renobell

Amapola bio cosmètics

Xarxa de Consum Solidari (XCS)

René solucions per una llar eficient i saludable

Herbolari El Bosquet



Rosanna DLR - Pl. de la Llana

Rosanna DLR - Pl. Sant Pere

Visual Poetry Barcelona - El Born


Sans & Sans

Cafés el Magnífico

Herbolari el Born

Home on Earth. Born

Comerços Verds de St. Pere, Sta. Caterina i la Ribera

Ciutat Vella
The Foundation for Waste Prevention and Responsible Consumption promotes sustainable consumption through the Green Trade Network. This network coalesce businesses that enhance its offer organic products, local products and / or fair trade, reducing plastic bag and bulk sale and / or reusable products.
Along this route you can explore the neighborhood Greens Commerce St. Pere, Sta. Caterina and La Ribera, Ciutat Vella.