LEMUR Laboratori d'emergències urbanes

Weellington, 70
Sant Martí


Latitude: 2.1874108
Longitude: 41.3913568


  • Responsible company
  • Social and solidarity economy enterprises
  • Space friend of children
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable

We are an interdisciplinary and international organization based in Barcelona, which works to reduce inequalities and improve the well-being of people by promoting participatory processes of design and construction through the body. We offer flexible, scalable and adaptable architecture, urban planning, education and urban art services to different contexts. We organize and manage participatory design and construction processes through the body; design for emergencies; participatory workshops and training from the body.

LEMUR Laboratori d'emergències urbanes

Weellington, 70
Sant Martí / La Vila Olímpica del Poblenou
08005 - Barcelona
 http://www.lemur.cat Facebook Twitter Instagram
We are an interdisciplinary and international organization based in Barcelona, which works to reduce inequalities and improve the well-being of people by promoting participatory processes of design and construction through the body. We offer flexible, scalable and adaptable architecture, urban planning, education and urban art services to different contexts. We organize and manage participatory design and construction processes through the body; design for emergencies; participatory workshops and training from the body.
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