Font de la plaça de Sant Just

Plaça de Sant Just, 1
Ciutat Vella

Latitude: 2.1781541
Longitude: 41.3829188

  • Ornamental fountain
  • Fontain

Commonly gives 1367 as the date of its inauguration and it ties in a more or less legendary family Fiveller. According to The present, however, was in 1427 when the fountain began to work. A reform of 1831 added to the gothic construction with a relief of St falcons and two arms, a new classical façade and probably on the balustrade.
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Font de la plaça de Sant Just

Plaça de Sant Just, 1
Ciutat Vella / Barri Gòtic
08002 - Barcelona
Commonly gives 1367 as the date of its inauguration and it ties in a more or less legendary family Fiveller. According to The present, however, was in 1427 when the fountain began to work. A reform of 1831 added to the gothic construction with a relief of St falcons and two arms, a new classical façade and probably on the balustrade.
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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.