Font de Canaletes de Sant Andreu

Gran de Sant Andreu, 326
Sant Andreu

Latitude: 2.1894115
Longitude: 41.4374601

  • Fontain

Is it visited within the Program How does Barcelona work?

Despite being the most photographed, the Canaletes fountain on the Rambla is not the only fountain of its kind in Barcelona. Up to 16 more can be found, distributed in parks, streets and gardens in 8 of the 10 districts of the city. This is the lantern fountain, a model created by the municipal architect Pere Falqués in 1889. “Initially it was planned to have only one lantern, but in the following versions up to 4 were added to improve the lighting. lighting they offered ”. In addition, this fountain model incorporates 4 fountains, and in one of the corners there is a small fountain for dogs. It is made of cast iron and has 4 coats of arms of Barcelona on each side.

Font de Canaletes de Sant Andreu

Gran de Sant Andreu, 326
Sant Andreu / Sant Andreu
08030 - Barcelona

Is it visited within the Program How does Barcelona work?

Despite being the most photographed, the Canaletes fountain on the Rambla is not the only fountain of its kind in Barcelona. Up to 16 more can be found, distributed in parks, streets and gardens in 8 of the 10 districts of the city. This is the lantern fountain, a model created by the municipal architect Pere Falqués in 1889. “Initially it was planned to have only one lantern, but in the following versions up to 4 were added to improve the lighting. lighting they offered ”. In addition, this fountain model incorporates 4 fountains, and in one of the corners there is a small fountain for dogs. It is made of cast iron and has 4 coats of arms of Barcelona on each side.