Centre Cívic El Guinardó

Ronda del Guinardó, 113
Horta - Guinardó


Latitude: 2.1735914
Longitude: 41.4162413

  • Center social, cultural or leisure

The civic center is a facility Guiard The proximity of Horta-Guinardó whose aims to promote cultural and social participation of individuals, groups and neighborhood organizations; and contribute to the development of culture and solidarity Guinardó neighborhood. Here are activities organized formations, etc.

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Centre Cívic El Guinardó

Ronda del Guinardó, 113
Horta - Guinardó / El Guinardó
08041 - Barcelona
The civic center is a facility Guiard The proximity of Horta-Guinardó whose aims to promote cultural and social participation of individuals, groups and neighborhood organizations; and contribute to the development of culture and solidarity Guinardó neighborhood. Here are activities organized formations, etc.

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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.

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