El ressorgiment a la superfície del Rec Comtal

Carrer Reixagó, 2
Nou Barris

Latitude: 2.1864167832032
Longitude: 41.467459740027

  • Continental aquatic environment
  • Cultural site
  • Urban green corridor

This section has been rehabilitated recently, during 2016. The renovation has been very important because it now allows the passage of the neighbors, from Vallbona in Moncada, without difficulty. Previously, the passage was very narrow, and often disappeared the way for the erosion of the water.
The renovation was done with the idea of ​​renaturalitzar Rec Comtal and encourage biodiversity in its course and surroundings. The species that have been planted are native and typical of the vegetation (rushes, cattails, reeds and Salix viminalis). To achieve a revegetation of the land faster and easier (25% faster), including the most difficult slope, the technique used mechanical hydroseeding which involves the projection-uniform pumping a mixture aqueous seed, mulch and other substances in the field paid. These materials assure favorable conditions for germination and mulch particular temporary protection against erosion because they act as hidromantes.
In order to stabilize the ground permanently settled bioroll is a network of multiple filaments filled with organic coconut fiber which is excellent for controlling erosion and establish vegetation quickly, especially the margins of rivers and edges of running water.
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El ressorgiment a la superfície del Rec Comtal

Carrer Reixagó, 2
Nou Barris / Vallbona
08033 - Barcelona
This section has been rehabilitated recently, during 2016. The renovation has been very important because it now allows the passage of the neighbors, from Vallbona in Moncada, without difficulty. Previously, the passage was very narrow, and often disappeared the way for the erosion of the water.
The renovation was done with the idea of ​​renaturalitzar Rec Comtal and encourage biodiversity in its course and surroundings. The species that have been planted are native and typical of the vegetation (rushes, cattails, reeds and Salix viminalis). To achieve a revegetation of the land faster and easier (25% faster), including the most difficult slope, the technique used mechanical hydroseeding which involves the projection-uniform pumping a mixture aqueous seed, mulch and other substances in the field paid. These materials assure favorable conditions for germination and mulch particular temporary protection against erosion because they act as hidromantes.
In order to stabilize the ground permanently settled bioroll is a network of multiple filaments filled with organic coconut fiber which is excellent for controlling erosion and establish vegetation quickly, especially the margins of rivers and edges of running water.
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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.

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