Acàcia de Constantinoble Parc de la Ciutadella (Arbre d'interès local)

Parc de la Ciutadella
Ciutat Vella

Latitude: 2.1865462773849
Longitude: 41.387157078111

  • Tree of interest

Acacia of Constantinople ( Albizia julibrissin )
Location: Parc de la Ciutadella
UTM (x, y): 432081: 4582277
Num. of catalog: 0103-01-96
District: Ciutat Vella
Property: Public
Height: 11.50 m
Cannon vault at 1.3 m .: 2.80 m.
Crown (diameter): 10 m.
Year of cataloging: 1996
Approximate date of birth: 1896
Originally from Persia and Japan, the Albizia julibrissin is a very ornamental tree species, both for its umbrella port and for its flowering. The copy of the Parc de la Ciutadella corresponds to the time when the Board of Natural Sciences of Barcelona had its headquarters in the museums of the park and this served as a place where scientific curiosities were shown. The tree of Constantinople of the Citadel, therefore interesting for its origin and as a botanical specimen, has suffered throughout its life various infections that have been emptying its central trunk.
Find out more in the Biodiversity Atlas.

Acàcia de Constantinoble Parc de la Ciutadella (Arbre d'interès local)

Parc de la Ciutadella
Ciutat Vella / Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera
08003 - Barcelona
Acacia of Constantinople ( Albizia julibrissin )
Location: Parc de la Ciutadella
UTM (x, y): 432081: 4582277
Num. of catalog: 0103-01-96
District: Ciutat Vella
Property: Public
Height: 11.50 m
Cannon vault at 1.3 m .: 2.80 m.
Crown (diameter): 10 m.
Year of cataloging: 1996
Approximate date of birth: 1896
Originally from Persia and Japan, the Albizia julibrissin is a very ornamental tree species, both for its umbrella port and for its flowering. The copy of the Parc de la Ciutadella corresponds to the time when the Board of Natural Sciences of Barcelona had its headquarters in the museums of the park and this served as a place where scientific curiosities were shown. The tree of Constantinople of the Citadel, therefore interesting for its origin and as a botanical specimen, has suffered throughout its life various infections that have been emptying its central trunk.
Find out more in the Biodiversity Atlas.
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